Our goal is to build confident and proficient boaters through on-water training in a professional and relaxed environment. We are located on the Texas side of Lake Texoma.

Our Courses
We teach National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) courses in fun and informative 3 hour modules.
This course is the basis for all learning and the techniques you learn in Module 1 will carry through all the other courses and build your foundation for being a confident and proficient boater.
On-Water Session:
– Pre-Departure checklist
– Centering the helm (wheel)
– Shifting Gears
– Station Holding (Keeping the boat stationary)
Building off of Module 1, Precision Docking and Boat Handling will help you learn to maneuver the boat in common situations in and around the dock. This is our most popular course.
On-Water Session:
– 180-degree turnarounds
– Docking on port & starboard
– Departing from dock
– Using S.C.A.N. procedures
Once you nailed Module 1 and 2, it’s time to hit the open water and learn how to truly handle your boat. We focus on learning how planing works, trimming the boat, stopping effectively as well as being able to approach and depart a shoreline/beach.
On-Water Session:
– Utilizing boat trim
– Displacement & Planing
– Ferrying
– Emergency Stops
– Land and depart from the shoreline
– Collision Avoidance
Let’s take it to the next level and learn how to “own the boat” by mastering your skills on the open water as well as handling emergency situations. We’ll learn about wind waves, boat wakes, man-overboard, and sharp turns. After you complete all four modules, you’ll be eligible for earning your Certificate of Completion from NSBC.
On-Water Session:
– Crossing waves and wakes
– Person overboard retrieval
– Sharp turning on plane
– Advanced avoidance
All modules are $199 per module and we maintain a maximum of 4 students per instructor to provide the most effective training.

Other Courses Available
Private Instruction on Your Boat
2 Hour “Boat Club” Course
2 Hour “Boat Club” Course
In Texas, Boater Education training is recommended for all boat operators and required for those born on or after September 1, 1993. The BoatUS Foundation offers the only FREE online boaters safety course approved by the state.

Your instructors are NSBC Certified and USCG Captains.
We're trained to teach!
You'll have confidence when you're boating.
Be more relaxed and have more fun!
Family and Friends will respect your abilities and trust you.
Less stress means more memories!
You can better assess your comfort level with changing conditions.
Make smart go / no-go decisions!

BoaterWise is part of the Texoma Destinations group of companies. With years of experience on the water, our team is confident, knowledgeable, and pretty fun too.

How Does Training Work?
We train on 24′ Berkshire Pontoons (with more boat options coming soon) at Lighthouse Marina in Pottsboro, TX. Our classes are booked online through the BoatUS Foundation website. Each NSBC Module is 3 hours and we have a minimum of 2 students per class and a maximum of 4.
How do I prepare for my training?
Our classes are 100% outside and on the water. Dress appropriate for the weather. In Spring and Fall, it’s always a little chillier on the water and in the Summer sunscreen is important! Make sure you bring water to stay hydrated and show up with an open mind, ready to learn, and with whatever you may need.
It’s good idea to go through the NSBC Website in advance to review the topics for the specific module. If you want extra credit, the following page is a great resource for a glossary of terms, some knots to learn, and other good information.
Do I have to take all four modules?
We strongly recommend it -and- if you want a Certificate of Completion from NSBC, it is required. That being said, we do have students that may want specific help on a certain item, such as Docking (Module 2) and you’re welcome to whatever course(s) you want.
Can I do private instruction?
YES! Private Instruction is a way to get more customized and private training. We can do private training on your boat or ours. Private instruction is great for a person or a couple that may want to target specific areas of help, or want the sole focus to be on them. Private Instruction can follow the NSBC Modules, or we can tailor the time to your needs. We don’t do instruction on boats larger than 32′. If you’re looking for yacht instruction for systems/yacht management, we recommend contact Jobe Marine.
Can you help us with purchasing a boat?
Our instructors are dedicated to training, but we can make some great recommendations on where to purchase a boat. The boats you’ll be training on are all sold by Big Water Marine & Boat Club (in Pottsboro and Kingston), so if you like the boats, we help get you connected to them.

Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the waters safely and enjoyably. We are committed to providing accessible and comprehensive on-water education, ensuring that every boater can embark on their boating adventures with competence and peace of mind. Our dedication to safety, sustainability, and fostering a thriving boating community drives us to continually enhance our resources, support, and guidance for all those who share our passion for life on the water.